Paper Marbling with Shaving Cream

Need a fun activity to do with the kids? Or just have some fun yourself?
Try paper marbling with shaving cream. It can be very addicting.
It’s fun, easy and fast and you probably have all the materials on hand.

Shaving cream, aluminum foil, cardstock, ink or food coloring, scraper (ruler, knife)
and 3M Scotch-Blue 2090 Safe-Release Crepe Paper Multi-Surfaces Painters Masking Tape, 27 lbs/in Tensile Strength, 60 yds Length x 3/4″ Width, Blue
It can be a little messy, most likely if you try this with the kids, but what is not messy with kids?
I made my son wear rubber gloves so his hands wouldn’t be dyed with colors.

Set up your space with a tray covered in aluminum foil.

You need some regular, cheap shaving cream. Not the gel kind, the foamy kind.
You also need some type of color – I used Dr. Ph. Martin’s Bombay India Ink Bottles, 1.0 oz, Set of 12 (Set 1),
but I’ve also used food coloring AmeriColor Soft Gel Paste Food Color, Junior Kit-8 assorted colors,0.75 oz bottles as well.

Spray the covered tray with some shaving cream.

Drop a few colors of ink/paint/food coloring into the shaving cream.

Swirl it in the shaving cream, do not mix it all the way or you won’t see the colors and swirls.


I protect the edge of the paper with painters tape, then push into the shaving cream.


Place your paper on wax paper or paper towels.

Use a scraper or spatula to push the shaving cream off in one or two passes.
If you keep going over it, it becomes muddy and messy.

Look how beautiful!

Carefully remove the painters tape for a clean line.


You can use multiple pieces of tape to make other designs.

We did some more cards using pink, orange and yellow.


How about both colors on one card?


How about all the colors mixed together?

After they dry, I added some wording and ended up with these! So fun!

Hope you try it and enjoy! I can’t wait to see the color combinations you come up with.