If your kids say they’re bored…

Hey there Rockstar Mama! These are unprecedented times. Students coming home from college abruptly, activities planned to the very last detail getting cancelled, sad faces on so many because of the C word. I have 2 teenagers in this house, one is a graduating senior. With prom and graduation up in the air and so many events getting cancelled, it is getting kind of grouchy in here. Guidance from the government says to stay at home. Schools are scheduled to be closed for at least the next two weeks. Besides work they may have been assigned online, I know I will soon hear, “I’m so bored, there is nothing to do.” Well, guess what, here you go, everyone can enjoy this list. Most of these are freebies. Who knows? After all this is in the rearview mirror, maybe we ended up learning something or finding a new hobby. You just never know.

Want to experience some culture? How about a night at the Opera? You don’t even need to get dressed up! Every night at 7:30, stream the Met.


Would you like to travel the world and visit some museums? You can visit NYC, London, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam or Florence!


Ever wanted to learn another language? Try Duolingo.
Totally free, totally cool.


How about some baking or cooking? Here are some of my favorite websites:


Find a new hobby on Pinterest!

www. pinterest.com

Learn something new, try skillshare for free. You can find almost any topic and find free online learning.


If your kids really should be learning some schoolwork, try out scholastic. Just find their grade and go to town.


Want a fun project with the kids? You may actually have all the supplies handy.

Other things that are not as fun but you might as well get done:

>Your taxes
>Clean your closet
>Clean out your junk drawers
>Exercise – you can find plenty of free classes online if you don’t have a bike or treadmill at home
>Work from home

Other things you may want to try are card games, board games, crafting, reading a book (Oh MY!). How about writing a letter to a friend and mailing it? Play a game of catch outside. Walk and play with your pets. Talk to each other (crazy, right?)

If you really run out of things to do, there is always Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, shopping online…..Good luck to all the mamas out there!