Chocolate Chip Cookie Pancakes!

So yesterday was the first day of Spring. Ha! Did you see my eyes roll??
The first day of Spring, yet the kids got out of school 3 hours early for SNOW.
And they are off of school today. And it’s still snowing.
Not going to stop til late tonight.
What are the odds of them having school tomorrow?
Pretty slim.
Lovely first few days of Spring.

Anyway, I had some leftover chocolate chip cookies on my counter (crazy, I know)
The kids needed breakfast, so I decided to make my homemade pancakes.
The recipe is so easy and I’ve been using it for years, so I thought I’d share it.
Since there were some leftover cookies, I chopped them up and added them to the batter.
Normally, the kids like chocolate chips in them. I like them plain with scrambled eggs.


Mix together with a fork in one bowl:
2 cups flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon of salt

Then add to this bowl:
2 eggs
2 teaspoons canola or vegetable oil
2 cups milk (I use skim, but any variety is fine)

Lightly mix together, it is okay if it has some lumps.
If you mix it until there are no lumps, then it is over-mixed.
Then, I added chopped up chocolate chip cookies.

Cook on a griddle or skillet. I use a little bit of salted butter in the pan,
but you can also use cooking spray.
When you see those little bubbles come through the pancakes, flip them over!
So easy.

You can add sprinkles to make them birthday pancakes (instead or in addition to chocolate chips).
You could add chopped oreos and make them cookies and cream pancakes.
You could add sliced banana and make them monkey pancakes. 🙂
You could add coconut and chopped macadamia nuts, and some white chocolate – YUM!


See the little bits of chocolate chip cookie!!! ♥ YUM!

Hope you enjoy your snow day!